Thursday, 7 May 2015

Major Stephen Miller

Major Stephen Miller

Over the last year or so, Major Stephen Miller has been on one tough journey.  I can't think of many people that I've seen battle cancer with a better attitude.

If you don't know Steve, you're missing out!  This guy is incredibly inspiring in almost everything he does - I say almost because I don't feel any desire to change my laugh to reflect his!  Steve has an infectious love of life that stems from his deep faith in Jesus.  You would be hard put' to find a more loving and compassionately caring couple than Steve and his wife Linda. I can't think of single person I know who knows them and doesn't like them.

Steve's journey last year was difficult to watch.  Watching such an energetic man battle the frustrations of an energy sapped body was hard - I honestly think this bothered him more then the cancer itself; not being able to get out and help 'who really needed help' grated against him so much.  The cries of "Steve, you've got to look after yourself now" certainly seemed to fall on deaf ears.  In others words, Steve's journey through cancer was a selfless one - at least that's what I observed!

It's great to say that Steve is winning! His energy has returned and he continues to claim he's 'fighting fit'. And so Steve's going to be joining us for the final stage of the Red Shield Ride.  I'm not game enough to compared what he's going to experience riding up Bonnet Hill (south of Hobart) to his journey of the last 12-18 months, but I'm sure he's going to need some encouragement.

You can check out his rider profile here; he'd positively love your support and sponsorship!

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