Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Aaron Petersen: The Original Red Shield Rider

Today we thanked and farewelled Aaron from the Red Shield Ride.

Aaron (right) with me and Stuart
He really is a great man.  Aaron flew from Melbourne at his own expense to lend his support to the Red Shield Ride Tasmania and we owe much to this guy.

Contemplating the start in Burnie
His ride a couple of years ago was the inspiration for this one.  As I've already said before, Aaron riding manner makes him one of the best guys to ride with anywhere.  Certainly from Stuart's and my point of view, Aaron could have completed each stage considerably quicker on his own, but his grace and nature were directed to us, pretty much non-stop.

Setting the pace
Aaron paced us; encouraged us; offered advice from his experience; made us laugh! In short he's added to the experience.

Anyone who knows Aaron knows what a great and selfless guy he is - if you don't know him, you'll just have to take my word!  He is well worth sponsoring, so why not spare a few dollars and head over to page by clicking here and sponsoring him!

Loving it!

Style Guru

Ready for the off in George Town on Monday

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