Saturday, 21 May 2016

The Total So Far Is.....

"Well it's about time..." I hear you say!  And you'd be right, but it would be good for you to know that we are still expecting more money to come in in the next month and so the final total for Red Shield Ride 2016 won't be announced until early June.

I have been incredibly blessed by the support and encouragement each of the riders received this year and I'm very pleased to report that the total funds raise (SO FAR) stands at.... it stands today 21-05-2016!
This is a great result!

When asked before and throughout the Ride how much I'd like the Ride to generate, my reply was $5,000!  So to have exceeded that and still have money to collect which will see the total increase even further is simply terrific.

However, the Ride wasn't and isn't all about money.  We also target raising awareness of the Red Shield Appeal and it's contribution to the work of The Salvation Army in local communities helping vulnerable people each and every day of the week.

Hobart Mercury 
Burnie Advocate
I'm really pleased with the coverage the Ride received in the media in Tasmania.  I was interviewed for Newspapers in the North, the Northwest and the South, as well as on Radio and even TV this year!  We (riders and crew) were also able to rub shoulders with and talk to all manner of groups about the Red Shield Appeal and the work of The Salvation Army right across the state; from Kids' group in Devonport, to Business partners at the Statewide Business Breakfast, to MP's and the State Premier in Hobart.  The coverage has been good and the message (an important one) is being heard.

I really want to encourage you to think creatively about how you can be active in supporting the Red Shield Appeal!  If you've got ideas about fundraising that excite you and will excite others, then by all means talk to your Corps Officer and/or the local (Divisional) rep. from Public Relations; I'm sure they'd love to support your enthusiasm and get back you!

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