Wednesday, 4 May 2016

And That's A Wrap!

Done and done!

The Red Shield Ride 2016 has come to an end.  

Yesterday, the thought of getting home to my family and my own bed was a major inspiration for a great day of riding.  This morning when the alarm went - our earliest wake-up call for the past six days - I just didn't want to get out of my bed; I was sooooo comfy!

Stuart, Tony, Dennis and I headed out to Carlton this morning for an 8:30am start.  As we drove our of the drive way, we were greeted by a snow covered Mt Wellington; it was cold.  Today we were going to be riding against the clock all day to make it into Hobart CBD for the Media Launch of the Red Shield Appeal at 1:25pm sharp!!
Thankful the snow fell after we finished yesterday!
Margi and Leigh at Carlton welcomed us with smiles as they always do and Stuart and I set about getting ready to start - have I said it was cold?  Ten minutes behind schedule we set off hoping the sun would warm us up!
With Leigh and Margi at Carlton - love these guys!
Stuart paced me today and it was good to back on familiar roads with my usual cycling buddy!  I love  views of Mt Wellington and Hobart riding in from the east.  The snow looked great from Carlton, but was quickly disappearing as we got closer to town.  

After 5 days of riding and in particularly after yesterday's effort, my legs were a bit heavy this morning and took a little while longer to warm up and loosen up.  We set a reasonable pace and kept hitting the time markers that I was making in my head for us to be able to get to Blackmans Bay, have a cuppa and then return to Hobart with a couple of extra riders.
Heading towards Hobart at Cambridge
Not overly keen on riding across the Tasman Bridge - it isn't exactly pleasant do so - Stuart and I agreed that we'd have a bit of fun.  He hoped in the bus and would head over the river with Tony and Dennis and then start riding again somewhere near Sandy Bay - I keep riding and race him to Blackmans Bay!  Rounding Rosny, I knew I may have overestimated my chances!  My legs were starting to feel the effects of the last five days.

The competitive juices were flowing though and once I got onto Sandy Bay Road I went ahead at the best speed I could!  As I got nearer and nearer to Bonnet Hill, I was really pleased not to have caught Stuart yet; he must have been moving - good on him.  Fatigue final starting getting the better of me and I began to slow up, so it was very surprising and a little worrying to get the Blackmans Bay only to find Stuart wasn't there!?  I hadn't passed him which left us wondering what could have happened? We didn't have to wait long to find out; he'd taken a 'short cut'!  Oh well, as they say; "Short cuts make long delays."

My wife Nicole and Major Steve Miller joined the Ride at Blackmans Bay and again, against the clock, we set off for Hobart.  But not until we each had a one (or two) of Linda's wonderful scones, jam and cream - thanks Linda!

While the climb back up Bonnet Hill was a challenge for both Steve and Nicole, I quietly loved the (very) relaxed paced as well as riding along with my wife.  Once over 'Bonnet' I had to push us along a bit - conscious of the time!

Joined by a couple of clowns:  Nicole and Steve
Stuart Foster leading the way up and over a couple of hills!
In the end, we arrived right on time as the to be welcomed by Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman and a crowd on Salvos and friends!  As we stopped, I was suddenly worn out.  Then next thing I know I was being handed a microphone and asked to speak about the last few days.  Like yesterday morning, I can't really tell you what I said, but I think I got through it well enough.  Thanked and congratulated, the crowd began to disperse and that, was that!  
Given a microphone and asked to speak on a moments notice - the life of a Salvation Army Officer!
We're done!  I rewarded myself by paying off a little bit more of my new bike - only a couple more weeks to go! :-)

I'm not far off my fundraising goal, if you haven't sponsored me yet, I'd really love to get over my target!  Thanks!
My riding companions today: Steve, myself, Nicole and Stuart
I'll blog again in a day or two with some further thoughts and reflections, and with a fundraising total!

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